Post COVID-19 Reopening Advice

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Following the Tier 4 restrictions in place in Oxford the clinic will be closed from December 26th until government restrictions allow us to reopen.

Whilst we await for greater clarity on the duration of the tier 4 lockdown any clients with appointments booked in the coming weeks will be contacted two days prior to their booking with confirmation of whether the booking can proceed or will need to be rescheduled.

Bookings that need to be rescheduled will be given priority when we are able to reopen, we will generate an automatic new booking for you into the earliest booking space that accommodates your treatment duration. Email confirmation will be sent with the new booking details, which you can accept or email to reschedule if this is not suitable.

For clients with consultations booked we are offering a telephone consultation only, a patch test can then be booked when the clinic reopens.

If the government gives a confirmed date for the duration of the lockdown we can then give a longer period of notice but sadly the lack of clarity is not allowing for this at this time. The short notice allows us to resume appointments when able with as little disruption as possible, we thank you for your patience.

We hope that you have had an enjoyable Christmas in these difficult circumstances and that you an your families stay safe and well

We look forward to seeing you soon.


Following the latest government announcement the clinic will be closed from 5th November until December 2nd 2020. Any clients with appointments booked during this time will receive an email with details of a new appointment which will be automatically scheduled for you. Thus will be a confirmed appointment and will be scheduled into the first available space that will accommodate your treatment time. If the booking in unsuitable for you please contact us so we can rearrange this for you. We thank you for your patience as we work through the appointments in order day by day. For clients with consultations booked we are offering a telephone consultation only, a patch test can then be booked after Dec 2nd when the clinic reopens. we hope that you all stay safe and well during this difficult time and we look forward to welcoming you back soon.


We would like to thank all our existing clients for their patience, co-operation and understanding in what has been one of the most challenging of times. Whilst our doors have been closed we have been keeping up to date with government advice and undergoing online training to ensure the safety of our clients when we resume treatments. We look forward to providing you treatments in the safest possible environment.

This policy has been made following the government guidelines for close contact services. It highlights changes to our normal procedures that we expect to implement temporarily but may become standard practice for us to ensure client and staff well-being and safety. We will review the progression of the Covid-19 pandemic and update our policy as required.


Your New Client Journey

Please take a look at our New Client Journey (pdf) which gives you a simple guide on the best ways to keep safe during a clinic appointment.

Download PDF





Safety First
Welcoming Back Clients
Before attending the Clinic
Arriving at the Clinic
During Treatment
After your Treatment
A message from us
Pre treatment COVID questionnaire


“The safety of our clients and staff is our main priority”


Safety First

At Oxford Laser Aesthetics thorough cross infection measures are already part of our daily clinical activity. It should be remembered that clinic settings are already very clean environments compared to public areas and there is no evidence of COVID-19 transmission occurring in increased rates in clinicians or their staff.

Routine Clinic Hygiene

• It is routine to disinfect clinic surfaces and equipment between every client.
• Clean towels are used for every client; treatment couches are disinfected, and recovered with fresh couch roll for each client
• PPE such as surgical gloves

Additional Clinic Procedures

This is a summary of some of the extra safety precautions and social distancing measures we have implemented.
• All Clinical and common areas including door handles and bannisters will be regularly disinfected in addition to our normal surface and equipment cleaning protocols between clients.
• Use of hand sanitizer is mandatory
• Additional use of more extensive PPE including face masks, visors and disposable aprons
• All clients will be screened to ensure they have no symptoms of COVID-19 before attending
• All staff to be screened daily for COVID symptoms
• Measures to limit the number of patients in reception and waiting areas
• Measures to ensure that all clinic areas are easily cleaned and disinfected.
• Use of email and online communications to reduce your time at reception and aid social distancing in the clinic
• Extra time is allocated after treatments for deep cleaning and room ventilation


Welcoming Back Clients

We are keen to welcome our clients back and have adjusted our opening hours to see all our clients with minimal delay. We are prioritizing all those clients with existing course items that have had appointments postponed during the COVID-19 lockdown, to facilitate this our online booking is temporarily unavailable at this. We will be in touch and do our best to see clients who have been waiting as quickly as possible. At this time we are reopening with restrictions, as such all facial treatment is postponed until government restrictions are eased further, if you have a booking for a facial area this will be rescheduled as required. All body treatment areas are available.

Please do not attend the clinic without an appointment. Appointment must be arranged by email, telephone or SMS.


Before attending the Clinic

• You will receive an email link with your email and text reminder for you to complete our COVID-19 screening online. In order to maintain social distancing and time spent in reception we will require this and all pre appointment paperwork to be completed online prior to your appointment. If you have any difficulties we can help – please contact us
• The pre attendance screening questionnaire is to assess your coronavirus infection risk. Please read the attached questionnaire on page 8. If you answer yes to any questions or we feel that you are at risk of having possibly been infected, even if you are asymptomatic, we will respectfully request for you to delay booking any appointments with us for at least one month.                                  • • Download the NHS Track and Trace App onto your mobile device                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         • • Our team will remind you of your appointment as usual 24 hours before as usual

Vulnerable Clients

We would recommend that clients in high risk groups for developing coronavirus, if you are shielding delay non-essential treatments until the trend of the pandemic becomes clearer. If you are in a higher risk group we can schedule your appointment early in the morning when possible to limit your exposure to other clients. Wait outside until we are ready to bring you in for your appointment, your aesthetician will then escort you to the treatment room. Further bookings can be made over the phone.


Arriving at the Clinic

• Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment no sooner, do not arrive late otherwise we may be unable to treat you                                                                                                                                          • Check into the venue using the NHS track and trace app                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        • • • To ensure social distancing in the clinic, only the client will be permitted to enter the clinic (with exception of those who require a chaperone)
• Please ensure you bring your mobile phone in case we experience any delays so that we can contact you.
• Please limit personal belongings and shopping bags that are brought into the clinic
• It is essential that you thoroughly use the alcohol hand sanitizer for 20 secs at the front door before entering.
• It is essential that you wear a face covering when attending your appointment both on arrival and throughout the duration of your treatment.
• Please indicate to reception that you have arrived using the entry system at the door and proceed to the waiting area.
• Your temperature will be taken with a contactless device
• Please be mindful of social distancing with other clients in the clinic and the 2-meter rule if passing other clients. In stairways and corridors please show curtesy and allow other clients to exit before entering.
• The restrooms should only be used on request to allow for disinfection between clients.
• You will be escorted to the clinic room by your clinician
• Please be aware that we wear our masks in treatment when talking to you and will not shake hands. We do not wish to appear rude, this is to give you the greatest degree of protection that we can.
• Good ventilation is essential and facilitated by our windows being open.


During Treatment

• We will be the same friendly faces but now we will be using PPE equipment for your protection for the duration of your treatment. This includes face visors, masks and disposable aprons in addition to the use of surgical gloves and protective clothing which has always been standard procedure for us. As we work in close contact you will be asked to wear your face covering throughout your treatment.
• We will provide a plastic bag for your clothing, please place all personal items in this including bags and shoes.
• Please ensure that you have pre shaved the areas that we are treating thoroughly, this further reduces your time spent in the clinic and reduces chance of skin irritation or infection. We are unable to pre shave areas for you but for consultations only please leave the hair so we can assess the area prior to treatment.
• Wear minimal or no jewelry


After your Treatment

• We are aiming to reduce time at reception and contact with other staff and clients so payments will be taken in treatment room by card payment or apple pay.
• If required we will contact you for your next booking by phone or email.
• We will be screening our clients following treatment for any signs of COVID symptoms of infection, you will receive an SMS please take the time to report any symptoms or if you experience symptoms shortly after attending the clinic please contact us


A message from us

We are very grateful for the support and understanding that you as our clients have shown us in this unprecedented time, it has been so difficult to keep disappointing you over the months with cancellations, rebooking’s and cancellations again. We are so heartened that the government have now finally given us the go ahead re reopen our doors and continue offering our clients’ the high quality service that we strive to achieve and maintain. Please be reassured that we will be getting everyone rebooked for cancelled appointments as a priority. We look forward to seeing you again.

If you have any questions regarding this policy or about your treatment do not hesitate to contact us


Pre treatment COVID questionnaire

For the protection of our staff and other clients, it is imperative that you do not enter the clinic and postpone any appointments for a month if you answer yes to any of the following.

1. Do you have a new continuous cough?
2. Do you have a high temperature (37.8 or above)?
3. Does anyone in your household have a new, continuous cough or high temperature?
4. Have you experienced anosmia (a loss or change in your normal sense of smell or taste)

You will be sent an online COVID-19 questionnaire via email or SMS which you can fill out on a mobile or PC. If you do not have access to a device please email us at the clinic.